Chris Lohman - Page 32

451 Posts

2022 Open Champion Cameron Smith Shows You How to Roll Your Rock

If you didn't know by now, Cameron Smith is really good at putting. REALLY, REALLY good. Perfect alignment. All-day-clutch tempo. The more pressure -- the...

Holy shi* these guys are good

There's a lot magic on display at St. Andrews right now

When you have a minute…7/1/22 – 7/15/22

Sometimes NSFW, but always quick-to-read for those golfers with ADD

It’s Open Championship Wednesday…Who you got?

Gambling is addictive. And so is golf. Coincidence?

Xander wins, again — this time in Scotland

Xander's on a good run. Can he make it two-in-a-row in Scotland this week at St. Andrews?

Top FIVE Tips for Playing in the Wind w/Five Top Pros

It's British Open Week (or, as the insiders like to call it: Open Championship Week), and you know what that means, right? The wind is...

It’s Scottish Open Wednesday…Who you got?

Gambling is addictive. And so is golf. Coincidence?

PAYDAY! Prize Money Payouts from the 2022 John Deere Classic

J.T. only cleared $730k last week. So instead of joining LIV, he went out and earned $1.3M and a victory on the PGA TOUR this...

Don’t Be Silly, Set Your Club Down Perfectly Behind Your Ball Before You Take Your Swing with Eric Lohman, PGA

Eloh's Monday Mulligan this week featured common-sense instruction. If you want to hit better shots -- duh -- do what he says to do with...

When you have a minute…6/16/22 – 6/30/22

Sometimes NSFW, but always quick-to-read for those golfers with ADD

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