Social Flops - Page 10

When you have a minute…5/16/22 – 5/31/22

Sometimes NSFW, but always quick-to-read for those golfers with ADD

Crazy shi* went down in Iowa thanks to one brain-dead pin placement…on the last hole of the state HS golf championship

First off, congrats to young Rylee Heryford for winning the 3A Iowa state girls golf championship yesterday. Massive achievement Rylee! -- especially considering she...

When you have a minute…5/1/22 – 5/15/22

Sometimes NSFW, but always quick-to-read for those golfers with ADD

Golf Porn: Fried Egg previews Southern Hills, site of 2022 PGA Championship

Sure, the video at times is a little boring to watch. But my-oh-my Southern Hills looks amazing, and will absolutely be a great test...

Sergio doing Sergio things. Only this time it’s likely a bigger deal

Sergio in the first round of the Wells Fargo Championship today lost his cool when he received what he felt was a bad ruling....

When you have a minute…4/13/22 – 4/30/22

Sometimes NSFW, but always quick-to-read for those golfers with ADD

‘I’d drop his ass right there on the range’ said PGA TOUR pro and wannabe WWE wrestler Grayson Murray

Kevin Na and Grayson Murray don't like each other. And, if you didn't know already, Kevin Na is a slowwwwwww golfer, even with his...

Too much? Fan yells Will Smith-inspired words at a PGA TOUR event

It's not surprising that the "slap heard around the world" has taken over the internet in the past month or so. But, now we're...

Feel good golf story of the week: Steph Curry stepping up big time in support of college golf dreams

If you didn't know already, Steph Curry loves golf. He loves the game, probably 4th in line behind only family, faith & ball. Today, Steph...

YESSSSS!!! Hooters has signed father-son duo John Daly and John Daly II

Hooters signing John Daly & John Daly II goes better together than alcohol and bad decisions. It's a perfect match. Hooters announced today that...

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