Social Flops - Page 17

This is Bananas – Baseball Player Walks to Plate with Caddie, Clubs and All

Josh Lavender takes the plate with a range finder, caddie, and a whole set clubs. It looks like he opted for his 3 wood lol. Solid choice!

Kevin Heart & Snoop Dogg’s Golf Commentary is Pure Gold 😂

The Best Commentary of the 2021 Olympics

Lessons for “Nasty Perros”

Manolo Vega ⛳️ is not only a golf instructor giving great advice, but he's hilarious. Give him a shot, you'll be thankful you did. @manoloteachesgolf

Bobby Saavedra’s Tik Tok Golf Lessons Aren’t Like the Ones Your Grandparents Took (Or Anyone for That Matter)

PGA Teacher Bobby Saavedra's golf lessons on TikTok are worth the watch Golfers are taking to TikTok to not only improve their golf game but...

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