If you didn’t know already, Steph Curry loves golf. He loves the game, probably 4th in line behind only family, faith & ball.
Today, Steph announced on social media that he is launching a junior golf tour to help kids who can’t afford to travel around the country and play in premier junior golf events like the AJGA Tour (we have experience, back, back in the day).
Free: travel, meals, hotels, entry fees, etc.
Top-flight events with an expectation that college coaches will be paying attention, and hopefully recruiting the best players on his tour who compete and win.
We’re not sure as of yet how a family can apply. But for those who do qualify, good for them.
Hey kids playing in The UNDERRATED Golf Tour: Go win a trophy or two. Earn a spot on a college roster. Dream big.
This is awesome.
We already loved Steph. But he’s managed today, with this news, to leap to the top of the list of professional athletes in other sports who are advancing the game of golf for young people who deserve an opportunity to shine bright.