How to conquer your nerves on the course!

There isn’t a golfer amongst us that doesn’t get the jitters on the first tee of even a casual round of golf with friends. Ratchet up the stakes where a trophy or c-note is up for grabs, and our hearts start to beat like the Blue Man Group after powering back triple espresso shots.

After reflecting on what works best for us to settle our nerves on the course under pressure, and “reading” the internet, here are our top 9 ways to get a grip on the shakes, and impress while under stress.

  1. Chew a hearty wad of gum. It works. Chewing gum relaxes your jaw and suppresses facial tension, and the natural rhythm you create while grinding human cud can help you slow down your heart rate and back swing.
  2. Alcohol. Everyone has a sweet spot for the number of drinks (and type) you can consume while playing and still maintain composure over the ball. Consume too many shots or barley pops, and you’ll forget to aim at a target or focus on the speed of your putts. Too few, and it may not even make a difference. Our rule of thumb: one drink before you tee it, one at the turn, and one with 3-4 holes left to play.
  3. Before every shot you take, visualize a smooth swing/stroke and hitting a solid shot or putt. Na, na, na, pa, pa, pa.
  4. Make sure to breathe. Before, during, and after shot.
  5. Groove in a pre-shot routine that includes committing to a target, proper alignment, making sure you aren’t death gripping your clubs, and you’re breathing like a healthy human.
  6. Hit more club and imagine you taking 80% full swings.
  7. Before every shot, use a mantra: “Be the ball.” “Low and slow.” “You’ve got this gorgeus.”
  8. Practice golf. Most golfers never practice. If you don’t practice, your confidence will be shaky at best. Even if you only chip in your backyard and take practice swings looking into a window or mirror a few sessions a week, any practice is better than no practice, and all practice is good practice (mostly).
  9. Watch golf on TV and channel your inner Jake Knapp, Freddy Couples, or Nelly Korda before you take full swings on the course. The golf swing is a rhythmic dance you take 40+ times during an 18-hole round. The more you watch the best in the world on TV or in person, the greater the likelihood you’ll replicate their action. If you walk like Freddy, swing it like Freddy (speed), and smile on the course like Freddy, you never know, maybe you’ll have more fun and shoot lower scores.

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