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The Step-Through Drill with Eric Lohman, PGA

When Eloh starts talking about "dynamic balance" we start dreaming of lower scores...

Tiger! Again!!! Part Deux!!!! And Hovland won a trophy. Yeah.

We can't wait to see the big cat out on Tour in '22.

Nice. & Nicer.

Who doesn't love themselves some Top Golf?

Tiger! Again!!!

The big cat is coming back, and we're guessing he's liking how his body and swing are performing -- because he's showing it off. When Tiger is caught (or showing off) hitting balls on the range, Twitter erupts and his PIP rating soars.

Three Fundamentals for Good Bunker Play with Gavin Witzer, PGA

Gavin Witzer shares 3 tips so you hit your greenside bunker shots like a pro (keep dreaming!)

We Feel Obligated to Inform You That Brooks Beat Bryson

On to golf news that matters...

CPG Speaks the Truth, Again

Club Pro Guy...who the *uck are you? And why do we find you funny?

Club Pro Guy’s Open Kimono Book of Swing Thoughts is Finally Here

Who is the Club Pro Guy? And will we read this book? Uh, yeah.

Set Up the Proper Distance from the Golf Ball to Pure it with Jackie Riegle, PGA

Jackie Riegle was born to show us all how to set up correctly...
