He didn’t win a major, but he did win a bazillion dollars and managed to keep his name at the top of Golf News for most of the year so far.
How he didn’t win the top PIP bonus is a shocker to us, but if you’re going to finish 2nd, it might as well be to the GOAT (here).
If Rory was one of the PGA Tour stars that let Netflix follow him around this season, he may end up being featured on People Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive cover. (Just think about all the crazy folks out there who don’t know who he is, but will soon enough, maybe probably.)
Oh, and just for giggles, who’s to say he won’t also be selected Time Person of the Year? Why not? Someone has to win, and this guy sure has proven to be unafraid of every challenge thrown his way in 2022.
Here’s a SHORT LIST of his top accomplishments so far with a month and a little left this calendar year:
1. FedExCup Champion (3rd time)

2. Race to Dubai Champion (4th time)

3. Four Tour victories (23 and counting)
– THE CJ Cup, RBC Canadien Open, TOUR Championship, THE CJ CUP in South Carolina

4. Grew taller and more handsome — Ok, this is a stretch, no pun intended. He’s still short, and may even have hairy toes. No one is perfect.

5. Announced new partnership with the PGA Tour and the GOAT (here)

6. Felt good about himself when he leaped Norman on the all-time Tour victories list (here)

7. Talked a shit ton of smack about LIV on behalf of the PGA Tour and the collective golf legacies of the legends who have come before him (and his own). (here)

That’s seven bullets for now. This is a running list. What’s in store this week? We shall report soon enough.